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Japanese Beetle Removal in Colorado

Japanese Beetle

Japanese beetles feed on various tree species' foliage, flowers, and fruits, causing severe damage.

They have a voracious appetite and can skeletonize leaves by consuming the tissue between the veins, leaving behind a lacy appearance.

This defoliation weakens the affected trees, making them more susceptible to diseases and other pests. In addition, the beetles emit pheromones that attract more beetles to the area, exacerbating the infestation.

If unchecked, Japanese beetles can cause extensive damage to ornamental and fruit trees, compromising their overall health and aesthetic value in Colorado's landscapes.

Implementing effective control measures to prevent the spread and minimize the impact of these destructive insect in crucial.

Symptoms of Japanese Beetles

  • One of the primary symptoms of Japanese beetle infestation is the skeletonization of leaves. The beetles consume the tissue between the veins, leaving behind only skeleton or veins of the leaf.

  • Japanese beetles can defoliate trees and plants if the infestation is severe. They consume the foliage, causing significant damage and weakening the affected plants.

  • Adult Japanese beetles have a distinct shiny, metallic green color with coppery-brown wing covers. This characteristic coloration helps identify them from other insects.

  • The beetles can been seen congregating and feeding on leaves, flowers and fruits during the day.

  • They often eat the petals of flowers and can cause blemishes or destroy the fruits, leading to economic losses in agricultural settings.


American Tree offers a chemical treatment that targets Japanese Beetles and does not harm beneficial insect species. Call today to set up your free estimate.

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